How To Receive This Page

First, don’t just read it. This iz more than a webpage, it's a healing INperience.

Give yourself the time and dedicated space you require to truly flow with and open into this invitation and all it inspires in and for You.

Save this page now and come back to it when you’ve cleared your mind and surroundings for You and only You.

Take off your bra, put your feet up and get a cup of your favorite tea or wine ready to sip on…

B   R   E   A   T   H   E 

Take it SLOW

Leave the
music On or Off

Know that this Sistahood iz devoted to YOU whether or not you choose to join us

Take this invitation in all at once
or leave and come back to it a little at a time

Come wiggle your toes in the waters we’ve nurtured

This iz YOUR Invitation

Welcome to Sanctuary!

Our Prayer

Here We IZ!

Great Divine Mothers, Honored Ancestors, Sistas in the here and now,

known and unknown to us,

For ourselves and our daughters in the yet to be
We open our hearts and wombs to You. We devote our lives to You.
We come to You thankfully, joyously—
Guide us, Bless us, lead us with Your Light

We declare, we decree and we affirm that we all now
embrace, receive and reveal the Sacred Essence of Infinite, Eternal, Luscious, Loved, Lovable and Loving Blackness as ourselves

May we let go of all that tries to keep us small
May we all rise into the fullness of ourselves
and bear witness to the fullness of each other

May we see ourselves honestly and walk with the Divine Truth of

who we IZ

May we know our magik, our medicine, our juju, our hekaur,

our mother wit

May we walk with our magik, use our magik and be our magik Beautifully on purpose

 May we apply our Beautiful miracle making powers liberally to any places in our lives that suffer from unLove

May we be free to be Liberated and be Liberators

May we swiftly and relentlessly apply our re•membered healing and warrior mastery to anything that iz not Liberation in our lives

May we Trust who we iz when we iz Free

May we Love who we iz when we iz Free

May we Lead in all we do from who we iz when we know we iz Free

Tua-U Ntr’tu

Sista, have you been longing to be truly and deeply Seen, Supported and Celebrated for ALL that You are?

We know that Afrakan wombn are among the most disrespected people everywhere we are in this world. We top the world’s charts in death, dis-ease and victimization, year after year.

Looking upon ourselves, not with the world’s eyes, but with our own softened by the sweetness of familiarity; we can also recognize that sistas like us all over the world are also the most defiantly self-adoring, relentlessly industrious and Orgasmically creative beings who’ve ever lived!

It’s the sly poison of oppression that it tricks us into wearing the toxic projections of its inferiority like second skins that hold us weighted down and distracted by hyper-vigilance. These false skins largely blind us to our infinite Magnificence, which iz now and ever has been, nonetheless relentless. Liberation means making ourselves immune to these toxins, not just once but as continuously as the wars waged against us.

 I say the Love of wombn healed me. 

 -Audre Lorde

Be Richly Supported

We Afrakan wombn carry so much for so many outside of ourselves. We carry the weight of keeping our families, our communities and our relationships healthy and whole. We continually bear the compounding pressures of self-sufficiency, motherhood, career, wife-ing, ever-present anti-Blackness and misogynoir largely on our own.

That ain’t the way it's meant to be.

You deserve and your best life requires the solace of continually being seen, claimed, cared for and Loved first and loudest. You are entitled to grounded and wholly activated, spaces of healing exclusively your own to fall and break wide open when you need to. And then, in the supporting arms of your Sistas, rise from the ashes again and again and again.

Learn and Master the Afrakan alkhamy that Heals All trauma

Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear. 

-Zora Neale Hurston 

Reclaim Your Rage

Rage iz ugly
Rage iz out of control
Rage iz violent
Rage iz scary
Rage iz crazy
Rage iz unspiritual
Rage iz unnecessary
Rage iz unladylike
Rage has to be put in check

The attempted theft of our Rage has been the primary weapon of subjugation used against us, worldwide. We suppress and revile this Sacred Fire because that’s what religion, custom and law enforcement tells us to do.

But what if our un-swallowed, wholly felt and consciously articulated Rage iz our most potent medicine for healing our bodies, our minds and our lives? What if making deliberate room for your Rage iz your greatest life and world redefining magik?

Actually, ain’t no ifs about it.

Your Liberated Rage iz a vital and sacred key to realizing your whole self Liberation & Sovereignty in a world that’s addicted to your invisibility. 500+ blood-soaked years of the pathology of whiteness and its imperialist capitalist heteropatriarchy has NOT succeeded.

Our Rage lives on.

Our Rage iz Truth, our Rage iz Justice, our Rage iz Beautiful, our Rage iz the Orgasmic and unconditional reclamation of our Divinity. Afrakan wombns wholly owned Rage iz pure, conscious Creation Power that, when mastered, will reveal and relentlessly clear the path to our individual and collective Bliss.

Eliminate the blocks that put distance between You and the Life You Desire


I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else's whim or to someone else's ignorance. 

 -bell hooks 

Reveal Your Sovereignty

Too many of us are suffering from the dogmas that sell us on the piety of ideas that keep us trapped in spiritual confinement. No one can stand in Oneness with their Divinity while carrying the back-breaking weight of shame, humility and subservience.

We reveal our Supreme Power ~ our Sovereignty ~ by creating and maintaining a rock solid recognition of our ever present Divinity.

Here in Sanctuary, we define Sovereignty as your ability to confidently reveal and maintain your natural place as the Center and sole purpose of your world view. Only from this fully owned and occupied Center are we able to properly appreciate the dynamic and ever unfolding connections we share with all life. Only from this center can we genuinely Liberate, Lead and Serve from the totality of our Divine Authority.

We carry a great and proud ancestral lineage that stretches beyond and will outlive the pathology of whiteness, colonialism, patriarchy and all that seeks to oppress us. We Afrakan Wombn are infinitely Sexy, Ingenious, Passionate, Playful, Joyous, Intuitive and Life Giving…We Are Born To Lead.

Access and Root Yourself in the Core Power to Create and Sustain meaningful Change


Cease that unworthy thinking and inane thought processing, believing You must BE "humble" bullshit…Smell that stank. Recognize&Realize ~ NOW RISE! Pick up Your Crowns. BE Majestic&Majesty. Most High Did Design&Define way long before You "attempted and/or tried" to BE lesser than (minority) ~ RISE ROYAL YOU: YES, MAJESTIC DISTINGUISHED WORTHY YOU! SELECT YOUR CROWNS.  

-Reverent June Juliet Gatlin

Lead From Your Mastery

“Leadership Training” — The phrase immediately tightens the intestines and conjures up visions of packed conference rooms fueled by white male bravado. For too damn long our concepts of leadership, mastery and success have been defined by the predatory mindset and tactics that have formed the basis of our oppression. Still, in the name of “making it”, time and again we subject ourselves to these environments that have never even considered or accounted for our existence, let alone our excellence as Afrakan wombn.

Mastery iz not something you learn or obtain, it’s already alive and calling for revelation within the Beautiful, Black essence of you.

We can make it  without surrendering our Divine right of visibility.

Any success or leadership strategy that reacquires you to “tone down”  your Blackness, your wombn-ness or your sensitivity in deference to crude pretenses of hierarchy; will always be tragically incomplete and ultimately toxic. The revelation and enjoyment of your Mastery requires that you live and breathe in the full, unapologetic Magnificence of your Ancestral birthright.

Activate and Reveal ways of winning in the world wholly shaped by Your Gifts and Your Truth


Once we recognize what it is we are feeling, once we recognize we can feel deeply, love deeply, can feel joy, then we will demand that all parts of our lives produce that kind of joy.

– Audre Lorde 

Unleash Your JOY!

Sista, we know and affirm that you are unconditionally deserving of a life of unceasing, ever-titillating, Orgasmic Bliss!

Now we ain’t talkin bout no see-no-evil, spiritual, e•motional, sexual and political total bypass B.S. We leave that bleached-out pathology for the ones who spawned it to clean up.

Afrakan wombn have long practiced traditions of revealing Joy, not by becoming blind to the shit and piss of the world but by devoting ourselves transforming it.

Your unchained, liberated, purposefully lavish and sovereign Joy iz the spiritual fire that opens you to wield your unique Power that dispels and destroys all that would confine you.
Cultivating an intimate, devotional relationship with the sacredness of your Joy will transform and elevate every aspect of your Life, Love and Mission.

Have Luxurious, Passionate and Shameless Fun while flaunting your Liberation for all to Feel and See

See for yourself what happens when WE as Afrakan wombn, dare to reveal the Truth of ourselves and only Ourselves,

as the Center and Substance of All we Live, Love and Lead the way for!

It’s Our Duty To Win

Of course you’re a warrior.

There are parts of our world that are hellbent on selling you their ideas of you as
“lesser than”. Your blood, your sex, your voice, your beauty and your genius can never be appreciated by the people and systems that live off your degradation. As an Afrakan wombn, you live, work, grow and create under global and nearly constant, physical, mental and e•motional siege.

Still, you go on shining!

You’re a survivor
a victorious, ever-sovereign, Sista, Mother, Daughter, Queen.

Daily, weapons of mass distraction and annihilation are aimed and fired at you
and every day that you Smile, Love, Heal and Lead from your Truth -

You. Beat. Them.

You are always defying the odds stacked against you. And you do it with a natural grace that doesn’t require perfection. You don’t always win. Some defeats you suffer so deeply and repeatedly, that you feel they will break you to your soul.

And even in those blinding depths of pain and sorrow, still you dare to carry within you, a Vision of ultimate victory so rich with feeling that it propels you to continually defy every obstacle to its Magnificent revelation.

A Warrior…

Fights to define for herself what it means to be free

Knows how to live with both terror and wonder

Masters the weapons of destruction and creation at her disposal

Knows that, unless she allows it, nothing and no one can hold her back

Owns her life, all of it and moves through it as she pleases, without apology

Allows herself to dance, curse, weep and create with every fiber of her being

Knows that all acts of Love, Purpose and Pleasure are miracles we chose and create

Ain’t that you every single day of your life?

We are Bliss Warriors who lead in the company of other Bliss Warriors. We don’t need subordinates to lead powerfully, ours iz a community of wholly self-owned beings who work, play and learn together for the Love of it.

Being a warrior doesn’t mean standing against anything or anyone, it means living so powerfully in your Divine Truth and Sovereignty that no one and nothing can block your moving forward.

Contrary to popular myth, warriors don’t work alone and we damn sure don’t win alone.

Because we know who we are and why we fight, it’s our duty to win by any and all means necessary.

In our Sistahood of Warriors you will know, feel and come to trust that all of who you BE, iz Loved supported and necessary.

When Afrakan wombn wholly own our power as Warriors there iz nothing we cannot change, create or rebirth.

Don't just believe this, join us in proving it.

We are warriors.

We are free.

We flaunt and/or hide what we want to.

We are proud, beautiful, full spectrum Afrakan wombn.

We protect ourselves and our Sistas fiercely.

We ain't nobody's property.

and We ain’t playin

It is our duty to fight for our freedom.
It is our duty to win.
We must love each other and support each other.
We have nothing to lose but our chains.

-Assata Shakur

Healing and Innerstanding

Wow, Nut provided me a sanctuary for deep divine healing and innerstanding of the power of my womb.

Nickesha Sanders

Dallas, Texas

Spirit led me to Nut

Spirit led me to Nut and her healing mission so I could remember who I IZ and fully embody this divine incarnation az a Wombn. I am still evolving and growing in love and this work not only encourages it, but draws out my juiciness even more.

Nejah Love

None like this one

What I had to face and release I don't think I would have allowed myself to do so unless I had the support of this particular Circle. I've been in medicine groups over the last 25 years before but none like this one. It has truly been a blessing.

Kamalaliaya Shishini

Cleveland, OH

Feels so good

Being in the company of Sistars who are open, loving and welcoming feels so good. It's nourishing to me like milk from my Mother's breast, like honey from her living well.

Lisa R. Charles 
Orlando, FL

I am so Joy-full

I  have asked for you for 7 years and I am so joy-full. A lot of blessings have cum my way from the the first day of registration and I know there iz much more to cum...Before this it's just been books, and more books...I cried out to the great mothers for an elder to come and guide me on The Path and I knew the moment I heard your voice that you are the divine blessing that has been sent to me.

RaNefer't Ankhanu

Denton, TX

This Iz Sanctuary…

We are an ongoing demonstration of spiritual and cultural Reclamation and Active Immunity to all that seeks to oppress, minimize and/or erase us

We are devoted to Wholly Thriving amidst and thus defeating the pathology of whiteness and its imperialist capitalist heteropatriarchy

We are Bliss driven, spiritual, creative and cultural Visionaries, round-the-way girls, dreamers, leaders, misfits and Warrior Queens who know how to make 10 ways outa no way, and are now ready to Build and Reveal especially for Us

We are Learning, Healing and Working together to claim and boldly flaunt our birthright as the Ascendant Daughters of the Mothers of all humanity

We are the home we’ve been away from for too too long, the home we come to, to re•member who we truly IZ

We are re-Mothering

We are re-Birthing

We are trauma Recovery and Immunity

We are immersive Appreciation, Celebration and Acceleration for sustained Life Love and Mission Victory

And We are here for YOU

Sanctuary iz a Liberation and Leadership incubator, exclusively for mission driven Afrakan wombn artists, business owners, spiritual visionaries and real deal warriors

Our Sanctuary curriculum cycles through three major focus areas…

  • Whole Self Liberation (Activation/IZN)

    The first step in shedding the false skins of oppression and all that comes with it, iz learning to name and consciously activate all facets of your feminine and ancestral power. 

    No book, workshop or certification program can give this to you. Only held in the focused witnessing, nurturing and sacred reciprocity of your Afrakan Sistas, joined by the Ancestors who walk with us and the Spirits of those who will come after us; will you truly re•member the power you IZ. 

    Sanctuary iz a cauldron into which you will be called and supported to look, again and again, in order to recognize your ever-present Divinity no matter your past or circumstances.

    Because the lie of individualism can never free us, our Sanctuary iz formed as a Sistahood where we release the shackles of self-improvement, anointing one another with unconditional adoration instead. 

  • Revolutionary Self Love (Incubation/Appreciaton)

    Within our sacred refuge Loving yourself iz a collective as well as personal response•ability. 

    As mission driven wombn, we give all we’ve got till there’s nothing left. Not because we’re self-destructive or stupid, we simply lack the tools that allow us to see and create from our natural opulence. 

    Actually, we lack nothing. 

    Within each of us lives an infinite well of Divine Creation Power which we must accept and embrace for it to materialize as healing, passion, wealth, knowing and shared Love.

    This iz the Truth we reveal for one another as we learn, integrate and apply the Orgasmic Alkhamy of whole self revelation. 

    In our revelation driven incubator your will own the Warrior Jewels that allow you to know and demonstrate genuine, confident, wildly attractive and purposeful self appreciation in all you are and do.

  • Preservation & Prosperity (Celebration/Yes!)

    Successful business ownership iz the clearest and most globally transformative way for Afrakan wombn to reclaim our Liberation and grow confident in our Sovereignty. 

    We know this. Which iz why over 24 million of us have started our own businesses in the u.s. alone. 

    Still, Afrakan wombn earn only .63¢ for every dollar paid to euro-american males. We are 20 percent more likely to experience serious mental illness than the general population. And while we have the lowest suicide rate, Afrakan wombn consistently show the highest levels of reported stress and related dis-eases, compared to all other groups. *

    To be truly Liberated we can’t bank our fortunes and freedom on systems and philosophies that either passively or actively rely on our erasure. 

    “Here,” she said, “in this here place, we flesh; flesh that weeps, laughs; flesh that dances on bare feet in grass. Love it. Love it hard. Yonder they do not love your flesh. They despise it.”

    These words, given to Baby Suggs Holy by Toni Morrison (and brought to cinematic life by Beah Richards), tell a truth we know all too well. The only assurance for the protection, care and continuation of our families, our communities, our people and ourselves rests where it always has, in the lap of the Afrakan wombn.

    Knowing this iz what makes us warriors. Learning to own and boldly Celebrate our role as the center of all any of us has ever aspired to achieve — makes us Whole, Prosperous and Free.

    Celebrated for all your gifts, in the unique, immersive healing of our Sistahood, you’ll come newly alive as a leading visionary healer and miracle revealer, transforming all our lives and our world in ways you wouldn’t otherwise dare to imagine.

Your Full Exquisite Being

Yejide Joy KMT

I came here because I wanted to be me & I didn't know how to do that. Sanctuary has met my expectations 1000%.

The most valuable thing that I've learned about myself iz that there iz always choice. And that being me iz possible when I make the intentional choice to do so. 

I am most proud of being a better mother than I was when I was locked in shame, guilt and regret. I am also proud of making good money doing the work that I do, when younger me never thought that was even a possibility for me. 

I have learned that it iz possible to support myself as a professional, transform my relationships harmoniously & know that I am connected to and supported by Divine. I have learned that my natural sensitivities are not to be suppressed or shamed. I have learned how to walk more and more in harmony with myself, everyday. 

Sanctuary gives me real Clarity and Perspective. There are very few things that deeply shake my knowing about who I am and my power, and not too many things that shake that knowing for long. No matter what challenge iz presented before me, victory iz mine. 

Ain't too much that's gonna shake her or break Nut. Nothing at all, in fact. She iz real and her truth iz unconquerable, she iz fierce as a lion and as gentle as a mother. She iz a deep well of wisdom and a wonderful sistafriend to share deep laughter and precious moments with. She iz a force of NTR and also on this embodied journey with us. And I don't know a greater teacher than her. I really can't think of a single other person who could bring me back to myself with a word or a phrase. 

If you want to know your power and be accountable to that power, then this iz the road for you. This iz work for the bold & courageous, not for folks who wanna dip their toes and go back to love and light and crystals. This work will rearrange the atoms in your body. Don't come here expecting to be anything less than your full, exquisite being. 

Joy Tabernacle KMT

Hampton, VA

Insperience Revelation Driven Spiritual Life Mastery and Whole Self Liberation

How We Sanctuary

Healing the weight of generational and right now violence and internal and external oppression ain’t no quick fix proposition. Our Healing Home operates in/as an emergent curriculum that iz perpetual and never-ending because that’s the exact nature of our needs. As a Sistahood, we meet and powerfully Love on one another, adapting to wherever we are in this healing.

We are devoted to actively co-creating an environment for You that iz Immediately Intimate, Revelation Driven and that provides continual, Immersive Healing and Full Spectrum Support for you to create and sustain:

Authentic and Wholly Satisfying Love and Intimacy

Spiritually and Materially Secure and Relaxed Success on Your Terms

 Shameless Undeniable Poise, Projection and Power

In All You Iz and Do

We do this through several tried and true, high impact yet easily accessible means…

Weekly Sacred Support Circle

Held weekly, on Mondays. Accessible in 65 countries via toll free phone and everywhere via internet. 

Our Monday Circle Call iz like stepping into a psychic sound, light and Love embrace, that simply must be experienced to felt to be understood! 

From the beginnings of time wombn have used the Sacred alkhamy of the Circle to teach, heal, celebrate and govern. The Circle iz a Living Essence that unites us with all our mothers who have come before us, with all wombn everywhere who now share this life walk with us, and with all our daughters and sistas who will continue after us. Through the Circle…

we feel their pain,

sing their freedom,

dance their Beauty,

take ownership of their Dreams, 

and give birth

to new evolutions of 

Life, Love and Liberation!

The Circle iz our YOUniversal Mother.

We come back home to Her together in Love and Mutual Support. You are response•able for your Liberation & Sovereignty but it ain’t something you have to hold alone. Held in The Circle, you won’t fall cuz our Sistahood won’t let you.

Our Sanctuary Circle Online

We have established a Physically and Spiritually Secure private online space that iz the living extension of the Sacred Circle in every way. This Mutual Support and Celebration space iz exclusively yours to freely heal, play, grow, learn and share your gifts, 24/7 - Whenever, and wherever you need to feel the strength of your Sanctuary Sistas.

Together we move organically and intuitively through the curriculum of Incubation, Activation and Celebration with exercises that reveal, nurture and propel the revelation of Liberation & Sovereignty in every aspect of our lives.

SistaLove Saturdays

Held more or less monthly, Sanctuary will host variety of Guest Mentors for intimate virtual discussions to share what it takes to sustain and propel Afrakan wombn’s Life, Love and Mission Freedom. 

Sometimes our SistaLove Saturdays are with and for selected Ancestral Mothers through shared readings, meditation and ritual communion. 

Get Aways!

Getting out and away from the familiarity of our daily lives iz good and liberating food for the Soul. Getting away with your Sanctuary Sistas iz a life and world re-defining adventure!

Optional 1-on-1 Private Immersion

“I offer no fixes, tricks or improvements, for these only invest you further in the cult of brokenness. I give only Adoration, Appreciation and Activation of the real deal Truth of your innate mastery.”


Sanctuary iz a full plate of deep and ever present Soul nourishment for consciously leading every aspect of your Life, your Loving and your Mission. 

This optional add-on iz just that, a potent and devotional extra for the Sista who’s hunger, Desire and commitment iz so strong it won’t wait. 

This immersion includes enrollment in Sanctuary plus 5 sessions over 10 weeks, held in private space with Nut for an investment of $7,700. This offer at this rate, iz available only to enrolled Sanctuary Sistas.

You will not come out of these 10 sacred weeks as the same wombn who entered them. Your self image, your relationships and your world will be stripped naked and created anew. This immersion requires that you be ALL IN for the rapid revelation of your Orgasmic Whole Self Liberation. 

If you ain’t, that’s perfect too. 

We still got you.

Perfect Just the Way I Am

A'st Maye

I originally enrolled to enhance my life and progress forward, dealing with current world events and remaining in balance and on focus. My experience in Sanctuary has been above and beyond my expectations. I’ve learned, really learned that I am perfect just the way I am. 

Because of Sanctuary I’m now able to bring myself in a place of calm when I start to ruminate about events that happen in my life. Being mentored by Nut has taught me to Love myself unconditionally. She shows people how to get past blocks and other occurrences that we let stop us from becoming who we truly are and came here to be, in this existence.

She’s full of deep insight and a willingness to share it with the world and help us heal.

If you have been walking through this life with fear and uncertainty and not really feeling like you belong and that nothing is set up to benefit you as a person of color, then you’ve come to the right place. 

If you see past the lies and the so called truths of this society, then you’ve come to the right place. 

If you feel that something or a lot of things don’t quite fit well then you’ve come to the right place. 

If you feel that your are full of rage and you are trying to contain it, then you’ve come to the right place. 

If you are feeling like “What is the point?” Then you’ve come to the right place. 

If you feel like screaming, then you’ve come to the right place. 

If you feel as a Wombn you have been slighted, abused, disrespected, etc, then you’ve come to the right place.

If you feel enough is enough, then you’ve come to the right place.

Since I have come to Sanctuary, I’ve been through some times that had I not had the weekly Support Circle, I don’t know how I would have gotten through the drama I experienced in my relationship and in my life in general. Sanctuary gave me the ammunition I needed to get through rough times. And let me tell you I am still growing. As long as we are breathing we are growing. 

I have become more thoughtful about all my relationships, including the one with myself. Coming here has helped me overstand my sexual construct and helped me to learn what I want and need as a sexual being and that most importantly, it is okay to be a sexual being. 

There is power in your loins and we are not necessarily told those things. We are womb warriors! 

I love and accept myself more than I ever did. I am learning to love my own company. I feel more confident in my steps and that I release more and more the lies I’ve been taught, systems I’ve been indoctrinated into and I’ve come to some realizations that had I not been in Sanctuary, maybe I would have never fully realized why and what I’ve experienced, for example, abuse in a love relationship. 

I never thought I could be raped by a loving, live-in partner but if you don’t consent to sex with anyone, then they take it anyway it is rape. I was showing the symptoms of rape trauma but didn’t realize it till one day on our weekly call, I started to talk about what I would do like just giving in to him and then I would go to the bathroom and clean myself up because I didn’t want his sperm in me because I didn’t want him in me! That was an eye opener because he was never physically abusive other than the sex part and it was always an issue between us. He said something to me that I heard another sexual violence survivor say in our sessions, that he “wanted what everyone else got”. 

This Sistahood helped me to realize that I got through that relationship through dance and the things that bought me joy and pleasure. I am learning that more and more each and every day. It is still a struggle at times but in those times I can also have a private conversation with Diva Nut and you can as well. 

I am sure you can relate to some of the things I’ve said and if you want to release come to Sanctuary!

A'st Maye

Cedar Hill, TX

She Ready!(?)

For most of us,

readiness iz a myth.

If we experience it at all, it's in hindsight while looking back on what we've successfully achieved or a hell we survived. It's the good feeling we crave, for facing down our demons to forge ahead into either failure or success, with no guarantees and very little clarity either way.

This myth of readiness feeds off of our reluctance to boldly own and trust our high sensitivity and raw passion. It's a deadly trap designed to keep you living small and controlled by FOMO -
fear of missing out. Creating this fear and the anxious consumerism it produces iz the core profit strategy of every social media platform and major ad campaign. Manufacturing FOMO iz the tactic most often used in predatory capitalism to get us to Buy NOW!

That’s not how we want you to say
Yes! to Sanctuary.

The catch phrase iz cute, we gotta ditch
“She Ready” and pick up “She Willing & Able”. Being willing and able ain’t about a feeling, a temporary high or fear of anything. Being willing and able iz what you know in your Soul about who you are and what you’re capable of being — and knowing who/what your resources are and weather or not these are sufficient and/or capable of expanding.

Get quiet and ask your Womb to show you how willing and able you iz.

(If you don’t know how to do this, ask and Nut or one of the Sistas will show you.)

Your Womb iz the purest oracle in existence. She speaks and reveals only Truth for your highest good. If She says you’re willing and able, trust Her.

Apply Today!

One year enrollment

Tuition Paid in Full


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One year enrollment

10 Monthly Payments


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One year enrollment + Private Immersion

Apply w/your $500 deposit

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After choosing your tuition plan and making your payment or deposit, you’ll be taken the application page where you can also schedule your private innerView with Nut.

Enrollment iz limited.

If your application iz unsuccessful, you will receive an immediate, complete refund.

Otherwise, all tuition payments are non-refundable.

i used to dream militant
dreams of taking
over america to show
these white folks how it should be
i used to dream radical dreams
of blowing everyone away with my

perceptive powers of correct analysis
i even used to think i’d be the one
to stop the riot and negotiate the peace
then i awoke and dug
that if i dreamed natural
dreams of being a natural
woman doing what a woman
does when she’s natural
i would have a revolution

-Nikki Giovanni

Fannie Lou Hamer

Release the Prisons of Shame, Blame, Guilt

Safiar Taliaferro

I originally came to Nut to learn more about Orgasmic Living, tantra, sexual healing and sex magik. Sanctuary has exceeded my expectations. And I must say, that I did not get what I thought I was coming for, but entered on a journey of knowing myself and liberation.

The most valuable thing I have learned, is to un*learn, re*member, know, feel and deepen my connection with my womb and myself.

The real results are always unfolding, yet I am glad that I have and continue to release the prisons of shame, blame, guilt, chasing, hustling, unworthiness and transmute those things to loving myself, revealing my desires and remembering who I am. I’m now able to reframe and release shame and have calming support no matter what.

I feel that my womb led me to the exact place I need to be. When I thought I wanted to learn how to be better at tantra, orgasms, making my wishes come true with sex magik for myself and others — I received the opportunity or the invitation rather, to heal myself. Being mentored by Diva Nut is being led to the source of truth rather than to continue being dragged through the spiritual circus out there.

Nut’s the G.O.A.T. Where other people have cracks in their teachings or questionable practices that are not quite in alignment, she does not. 

She has strong knowledge in spiritual Khametic practice, having "been there done that" in EVERYTHING. She's Black, not gaming people, not repressed or afraid of any issue/problem/topic. Nut doesn't have conflicting values, offerings or services because she knows the history of all of them and has remained true to Orgasmic Liberation.

She always directs you back to yourself and your own inner knowing. She is more of a guide showing you that your own Divinity is your true mentor and teacher.

I actually don't recommend her or invite people that I think may benefit from her programs anymore. Most folks can't handle it. Or at least the people I have invited. She's not sugar coated or shiny or fluffy or commercialized enough. I think people either feel called to work with her in their soul or they don't. Enter at your own risk LOL!

The longer I am on this journey, I have come to have less interest in being a professional, a lover or a spiritual being. I am more interested in just Being and Being myself. Whatever that means or looks like in any area of my life.

Safiar Taliaferro

Atlanta, GA

  • What does “Afrakan” mean?

    For those of us born in the diaspora, language iz a glaring and ever-present re•minder of the legacy of  kultural erasure stemming from the trans-atlantic “slave trade”. Every patois, pidgin and AAVE innovation iz the triumph of our Ancestral memory inserting our forgotten tongues into this new world of ours. In Mtu Ntr, the ancient Nubian-Khamite language…

    Af = flesh

    Ra = the Sun (Revealed Divine Light)

    Ka = Soul (Divine Expression)

    AfRaKa = the Flesh and Soul of the Sun. That our word iz similar sounding to the arabic one most use, iz by delightfully subversive design. We spell iz with a “z” in the service of similar intentions.

  • What if I’m light-skinned?

    Our melanin richness iz way more than skin deep.

    Detoxing from the ills of colorism and all forms of internalized anti-Blackness iz essential to realizing our Liberation & Sovereignty. If you’re a spiritually focused, sistahood Loving and leadership embracing Afrakan wombn, Sanctuary iz created for you. 

  • Are trans wombn welcome here?

    Yes. Afrakan spiritual traditions worldwide, have long recognized and celebrated the vital roles energetic shapeshifters among us play in maintaining wholeness and progressive revelation in our communities. Our Sista Femmes, Studs, Aces and ALL who live, Love and catch hell as Afrakan wombn, are treasured and welcome in our Sanctuary.

  • Do you offer scholarships?

    The Sanctuary for Survivors scholarship and residency program has been established to provide Afrakan wombn escaping violence with customized short term and ongoing support, including  membership in Sanctuary. 

    To apply go to:

    To become a sponsor go Here.

Nobody's free until

everybody's free.
-Fannie Lou Hamer


I’m Nut Tmu-Ankh

Butterfly Dreaming SaNut

Afrakan wombn, mother, Nubian-Khamite priest, master revealer, Bliss warrior, life mastery mentor and founding birth mother of Sanctuary.

For over 28 years, it’s been my Blessing to guide devoted Leaders and Lovers into their own expressions of Orgasmic Life Mastery. We may have met before on one of many radio or podcast shows, or in the DVD
Magdalene Unveiled: the Ancient & Modern Sacred Prostitute, by Kenneth Ray Stubbs, or in the book Reclaiming Eros: Sacred Whores and Healers, by Suzanne Blackburn and Margaret Wade.

Before I became a priest and spiritual mentor, I was a wombn desperately trying, but ever-failing, to hide and run away from the multiple traumas of childhood abuse, addiction, rape and chronic dis-ease. I suffered from CPTSD for decades before I learned there was a name for my pain. I believed my brokenness came from being
“just weak-minded”. I spent every day encased in a cloud of pain that, at a time of life when most are planning for their future, had me waiting to die instead. Bliss was an alien concept, hell, I didn't even know how to smile.

So, how did I go from being a timid, life phobic, self-loather to become the Divinely Intelligent, Vulvically Awakened, Orgasmic Liberation Warrior I IZ today?

I decided that I was more afraid of existing in the continued joyless captivity of pain, than I was of whatever I might find on the unknown other side of it. I sought and surrendered to the guidance of my spiritual mentor,
Sen Ur Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah. My Baba along with elders Mut Neferieth Amenetchi, Sen’t Ur’t Kaitha Het-Heru, Lady Prema, Puma Cat Dancing and Lester Loving; introduced me to the ancient Nubian-Khamite, whole self healing power of spiritual alkhamy. Through it I received the miracle of a Divine transfiguration that healed my wounds, gave me back my smile and restored my memory of my true identity in/as Bliss!

Witnessing and INsperiencing the unmatched Whole Self Liberating power of this masterfully held sacred container for healing first hand iz why I've made Liberation through Orgasmic Alkhamy the exclusive focus of my professional life as a spiritual mentor.

I believe stories of triumph over suffering, like mine, ought to be far less unique and uncommon. I continue to meet wombn after wombn doing her best to not just escape violence, fear, pain and confusion but also reclaim her luminosity to share her inspired mission with our world.

Individual self revelation iz vital but it ain’t the end all, be all, especially not for Afrakan wombn. True Liberation iz a contagion as infectious as wild fire. Your soul’s genuine awakening must call out to inspire others because It knows…

None of us iz free until all of us are free
None of us iz enlightened until all of us are enlightened
None of us iz rich until all of us are rich
None of us iz healed until all of us are healed
None of us iz family until all of us are family

This iz the ancient wisdom of our foremothers and the deepest magik we can master.
Awakening the wild, boundless fire of our Liberation iz sacred work that only We can do for one another ☥


The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom.
-bell hooks

Our Sanctuary iz not a place, that would be far too limiting.

The lasting Liberation we’re conjuring must be able to be invoked and commanded anywhere and everywhere We IZ.

Sanctuary iz a Verb!

This work iz a living action that takes hold in your blood and breath and goes out from your being to immediately transform any and all spaces you enter and occupy.

Individually and collectively – within our Sistahood and beyond – we join in Love to get our walk ON!

To leave oppression and the multiple pathologies that sustain it behind — gracefully, deliberately, in Truth, Compassion, Resurrection, Bliss and Sovereign Ease.

Will you mother Sanctuary with us?

Thank YOU Sista

for investing your time and attention to fully receive our vision and mission for Afrakan wombns Whole Self Liberation & Sovereignty.

If you still have questions or just need a witness to what this invitation iz igniting in you, Let’s talk.

You are Loved and deeply Treasured.

I pray we get the opportunity to meet, heal and evolve together ☥

If you realized how much you meant to the world, and how much has been extracted from you in order to make the world, you would walk out of oppression.You wouldn’t even have to fight to walk out of it; you’d just walk out of it.

-Dr. John Henrik Clarke

SANCTUARY  iz established by the NTRU, protected by our Ancestors &  Lovingly guided by Nut Tmu-Ankh Butterfly Dreaming SaNut

Featured Visual Artists
Alvin Epps
Erika FocsiMama Parker-Smith + Thee JP Smith

Leighann Renee
Chanel G.

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